Reading Multiple Choice, Single Answer tasks are designed to assess the reading skills of test takers. In these questions, you are assigned a passage up to 110 words long, and a multiple-choice question based on it. There is only one correct response.
Around 2-3 questions based on the Reading Multiple Choice, Single Answer format typically appear in the PTE test
Since the correct option is usually a paraphrase of the prompt, which is either a short question or a sentence that has to be completed, it is fairly easy to get these tasks right. Around 2-3 questions based on the Reading Multiple Choice, Single Answer format typically appear in the PTE test, so you must ensure that you use our step-by-step guide to score perfect marks on these tasks.
For Reading Multiple Choice, Multiple Answers click here.
If you usually begin these tasks by carefully reading the passage, STOP. Read the question first and note down the keywords in the question.
Go through the passage quickly to get an idea of what the text is trying to say.
Look for the key words, or synonyms of the key words from step 1, in the paragraph.
If you have located all the keywords in a small part of the paragraph, re-read this part carefully.
After extracting the answer from this part, you can compare it with the options. Although there may be options that you think “could be correct” or you are “not sure” about them, you must select the option that is “most likely to be correct”.
If you find this option, you don’t have to read the entire passage a second time. Select the most likely to be correct option and click next, without wasting too much time thinking about whether your response is correct or not.
We hope you find our tips helpful, but as the old adage goes, “Knowledge is of no value until you put it into practice”, you must attempt as many mock tests as you can, till you have mastered these tips. For more PTE tips and mock tests, please visit:
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