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How to book PTE Academic using PTE Voucher



A step by step guide to booking PTE Academic Slot through PTE Voucher purchased from our website.

Create Account for PTE academic

  • Know Your Details

Keep your Passport with you to enter the details accordingly. Cross verification will take place on the day of the test. You may search if your city is available on beforehand. You will need these details while booking your slot.

  • Create Your Account

Go to // and click “Create Account”. You need to enter details in the next steps.

Read and Accept the policies.

book PTE Academic using PTE Voucher


Select “No, I do not know my PTE ID” for a new registration.

Enter Personal Info: First & Last Name, Date of Birth and Email. Click Next.

book PTE Academic using PTE Voucherbook PTE Academic using PTE Voucher


Enter Contact Information: Address and Telephone PTE Academic using PTE Voucher

 Enter Additional Information: Country of Citizenship, Country of Birth, City of Birth and Gender. You may or may not tick boxes in the end according to your needs.

book PTE Academic using PTE Voucher


Create Account: Create a username for yourself and check it’s availability. If it’s not available, create a different one.

 Create a strong password as directed.

Select your choice of security questions. Note down these details for yourself. Click PTE Academic using PTE Voucher


Start your PTE exam preparation on the right foot – try free PTE mock tests today!

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  • Sign in by entering your username and password.



  • Click on “PTE-A: Pearson Test of English Academic” from the exam PTE Academic using PTE Voucher



  • You will see the details of the exam. Click “Schedule this Exam”book PTE Academic using PTE Voucher



  • You will be asked to answer questions.
  1. If you have checked correct id and read Test taker handbook.
  2. What language do you speak at home?
  3. Provide reference number, if any.
  4. Option to send scores to DHA and INZ.
  5. Question about why are you applying to this exam.

Answer all the mandatory and optional (if applicable) questions and click next.

book PTE Academic using PTE Voucher


You may search a location by name or pin code. You can select up to three test centers.


               book PTE Academic using PTE Voucher

 After choosing the test center, you will able to select a slot from the available date and time.

book PTE Academic using PTE Voucher


  • Review Your Details

The next few pages will ask you to review your entered details. Please make sure they are correct. If not, you have the option to edit them.

 Your Order Details

book PTE Academic using PTE Voucher


Confirm Personal Info


 Agree to the PTE Academic using PTE Voucher


  • Payment

The step where you will need the voucher code, a code that comes with many benefits. Click the payment button and enter the voucher code. Upon applying, Your total will automatically turn to 0 INR. Continue the next steps by reviewing your details and confirm your booking.


  • Submit the Order to complete the procedure.


  • The next page should show you a summary of the order confirming your submission.



NOTE: All the Items marked (*) are mandatory.


That’s it! You will receive an email from PTE Academic confirming your booking and containing other instructions.


Best wishes for PTE Academic, start preparing now with the free mock test we provide when you purchase the voucher and easy to remember tips!


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