15 Last Minute Tips For PTE Academic You Must Read
We hope that you prepared well for your PTE Academic through PTENOTE’s mock tests. We thought some last minute tips might help you to prepare your mind for the exam!
You have practised a lot, it’s time to relax Don’t practice a day before your exam. This is just to clear your head.
Carry Your Passport
It’s really important for you to carry your ID on the day of your exam
Reach Early
Reach your test center 30 minutes before the exam in order to avoid the rush.
Use Restroom Before Exam
You get a 10-minute break after Reading Section but make sure that you are worry-free before the exam.
Don’t Pause
Do not pause while recording your answers even if you think you made a mistake.
Beat The Noise
It will be noisy but you need to concentrate on your exam and not let noise get in your way.
Word Limit Matters
Don’t write more or less than the word limit question has asked for.
Capital Letters and Full Stops
Punctuations matters to get good marks.
Manage Time
You have a clock on the screen so manage time wisely.
Don’t interfere with equipment
Your administrator will check the equipment. Don’t interfere once everything is set up. Tell the administrator in case of issues.
Don’t get stuck at one question
Do not spend too much time on one question, especially not at the expense of missing out other questions.
No Looking Back At Previous Question
It is likely that you know this by now but we will still advice that since you can’t go back to the question, you should submit your answer in confidence.
Negative Marking
There is negative marking in some of the questions so keep that in mind. Although, the lowest marks is still zero.
Re-check before submitting your answer quickly to make sure it’s grammatically correct.
Do you have any PTE Academic tip of your own? Share with us and help others!