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Preparing for the PTE exam can be a daunting task, especially if you’re not familiar with the test format or the English language. However, with the right preparation and approach, you can increase your chances of success. In this article, we’ll discuss some useful tips that can help you prepare effectively for the PTE exam.


1. Understand the Test Format:

It’s essential to understand the PTE exam format, instructions, and scoring criteria to succeed in the test. The PTE handbook is a comprehensive guide that provides an overview of the test format, section- wise instructions, and scoring criteria. You can also watch tutorial videos on the official PTE website to get a better understanding of the test format. Make sure to read the instructions carefully before starting each section to ensure you understand the rules and requirements.


PTE Format: Candidates who have been waiting for Pearson to introduce the ‘PTE at Home’ version of the PTE Exam are in for a pleasant surprise. Starting October 25, 2021, candidates wanting to take the ‘PTE at Home’ can book their PTE Academic online test which is starting from November 16, 2021. Candidates would also be glad to know that the current PTE Exam would be shortened by one hour (PTE new pattern) also starting November 16, 2021. Download: Know all about the changes introduced by the Pearson PLC Group on the PTE Academic Exam (PTE new pattern).


2. Practice, Practice, Practice:

Practice is the key to success in the PTE exam. Take as many PTE practice tests as possible to get used to the test format and timing. Use official PTE practice materials and sample questions to improve your skills. Analise your performance in each section to identify your weaknesses and focus on improving them.

In this first post we’ll go over everything you need to know about the PTE General exam. Focusing on who it is for, the skills it tests and the key features, you’ll be able to decide if this is the right qualification for your students. The Writing Paper is often one of the most difficult sections to prepare students for. Without a right or wrong answer it’s essential that you and your students know how it’s marked and what the examiners are looking out for.

With a PTE voucher, you can access expert study materials and guidance to help you achieve your best score.

3. Improve Your English Language Skills:

Improving your English language skill is crucial to performing well in the PTE exam. Reading English books, newspapers, and articles can improve your vocabulary and grammar. Watching English movies, TV shows, and news broadcasts can improve your listening and comprehension skills. Practice speaking English with native speakers to improve your pronunciation and fluency.

The language skills required to score well on the PTE test are not based on non-literary English. PTE Academic requires you to upgrade from that and build your English language skills based on its technicalities, which comprise using accurate grammar, extensive vocabulary, appropriate prepositions, etc. This does not mean that you have to have a mental dictionary full of the hardest words or be able to form complex sentences. Rather, the English language skills needed for the PTE test require you to be able to communicate in a crisp and simple but theoretically correct way.


4. Time Management:

 Practice the PTE exam under timed conditions to improve your time management skills. Learn how to prioritize your answers and allocate your time effectively to ensure you have enough time to answer all the questions. Use the time given for reading questions in the Speaking and Writing sections to plan your answers and organize your thoughts.

There are 77 – 93 minutes to complete the Speaking and Writing sections. Since the writing PTE section is either 50 or 60 minutes long and the speaking section is between 27 and 43 minutes long, the PTE time management for these sections will vary as they are dependent on the number of tasks offered on each test.


5. Familiarize Yourself with the Test Environment:

Familiarizing yourself with the PTE exam environment is essential to reduce anxiety and perform well in the test. Take practice tests in a quiet room with no distractions to simulate the test environment. Familiarize yourself with the computer-based test interface and navigation before the exam. Take the time to understand how to use the on-screen calculator and other tools provided during the exam.

PTE Exam Preparation: Candidates looking to do well in their PTE Academic Exam would be required to follow a robust PTE Preparation plan to achieve a good PTE score. Similar to preparing for other English language exams, candidates can either choose to study on their own by referring to authentic PTE exam preparation study material and free online PTE courses available on the official PTENOTE WEBSITE or join a PTE coaching centre for a more interactive PTE preparation session. It is important for the candidates to develop their weak areas and at the same time keep revising sections that are easy.

6. Get Feedback:

    • Use the official PTE Scored Practice Tests to get feedback on your performance.

    • Join online communities and forums for PTE test-takers to get advice and feedback from experienced test-takers.

    • Get a tutor or take PTE coaching classes to get personalized feedback and guidance on how to improve your skills.

    • The candidates must listen carefully and try to memorize the sentence.

    • In Speaking Test while listening to the clips focus on the keywords, which will help you understand the context of the topic

    • Rising your tone at the beginning and falling tone at the end of the sentence will make the sentences sound original.


7. Stay Calm and Confident:

Staying calm and confident is crucial to performing well in the PTE exam. Take deep breaths and stay relaxed during the exam. Don’t panic if you don’t know the answer to a question; move on to the next question and come back later. Keep a positive attitude and believe in your abilities; remember that you’ve prepared well for the exam and can do your best.

Talking to others in English. Listen to what you hear and try to briefly summarize what they say to you. They will tell you if your summary is accurate and easy to understand, or if you’ve made any mistakes. If you don’t have any English-speaking friends, sites like Italki or Hellotalk put thousands of learners in touch so they exchange language and learn together.

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