You are scored separately on your spelling in PTE Academic Score Card and it affects your overall score too! Spelling is crucial, we all write these days so one has to focus on spellings. If you think you are the only committing spelling mistakes because you are not a native English speaker then you are...
Many people who speak English regularly may not be a 100% Fluent in it. That alone tells you how hard it is to be fluent in English. One thing people really confuse English fluency with is Accent. It doesn’t matter what accent you have, you can be fluent in English. PTE Academic scores you on...
We hope that you are preparing well for your PTE Academic test. To sail through the exam time smoothly, keep in mind what you shouldn’t do! Don’t Be Late Reach 30 minutes before your test because signing in for exam takes time. Rushing in during the last minute can impact your performance. Moreover, arriving...
Pearson has three official preparation books for PTE Academic. Let’s take a look at those books and discuss them. If you are thinking about buying them then you have come to the right...
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