Buy PTE Voucher from PTENOTE | All you wanted to know about PTE voucher code BLOGS
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All you wanted to know about PTE voucher code


This article is a hands-on analysis about PTE voucher code. If you have heard of it, but not sure how it works; we recommend you read this article for a practical understanding. Should you have any questions this article does not answer, or suggestions to improve it; we welcome your inputs in the comments section below the article. Read on!

Content of the article

  • What is PTE?

  • Benefits of PTE?

  • What is a PTE voucher code?

  • Who sells the code?

  • How many vouchers can you use once?

  • Is the voucher code transferable?

  • How to buy it?

  • How to redeem the voucher?

  • When to use the PTE voucher?

  • Where to buy the voucher

  • All about PTE voucher for 2017 and 2018

What is PTE?

PTE is short for Pearson Test of English. It is a multi-level, computer-based English language test specifically aimed at non-native English speakers who want to study abroad or emigrate.

Benefits of PTE exam

There are a number of reasons PTE is increasingly gaining popularity despite being relatively new. Results are typically announced within 5 business days, the test schedules are flexible, is accepted by a good number of educational programs and professional associations across the world.

What is a PTE voucher code?

PTE voucher is one of the defined types of payment methods, which test aspirants can use to pay the required exam fee when booking the test slot online through PTE official website. When you have the code, you can use it against traditional payment methods (net banking, credit or debit card etc).

Understanding PTE VoucherBenefits of PTE voucher code

Reduced wait time – It saves your valued time. No need to wait for payment processing using the traditional payment systems. All you need to do is to enter the voucher code and done!

Money-saving – The apparent benefit of using PTE voucher code is it saves you money. The use of codes can help you save a total of Rs 1600 and more, depending on the offers entertained by voucher resellers.

Long validity – You can use PTE voucher with substantial months of validity. PTENOTE’s voucher codes come with 11 months of validity.

Refund – If the codes remain unused, you can even claim for a refund. The policy for refund might vary from one source to the other. At PTENOTE, we refund you 70% of amount if you return UNUSED code to us.

Transferable – You can also gift the codes to your friend or relative, as long as they remain unused.

Flexibility of payments – If you directly book your exam through the Pearson website; you might need to enter your credit card as the only method of making payment. PTE Note entertains payments to be made using credit and debit card, net banking, PayTm, UPI and many other ways thereby simplifying the entire process.

Deliverable – The voucher comes with many benefits; such as free study material and mock test. This means you also get a chance to fully prepare yourself before you appear in the exam.

In short, PTE Voucher codes simplify the process of taking the exam by saving your time, effort and money.

Who sells the code?

This discount vouchers can be purchased from official PTE vouchers re-sellers like PTENOTE. So, If you are an individual looking to save money while booking PTE Academic, a good option is to turn to the re-sellers.

How many times each PTE Voucher can be used?

Each PTE Voucher can be used only once

Is the voucher code transferable?

The voucher is absolutely transferable, and you can use it as a gift for your friends and family; of course if you have not used it yet.

Save Money using PTE Voucher

Book PTE Academic using PTE Voucher. Buy PTE Voucher from PTENOTE.COM

How to buy a voucher?

The entire process of booking your voucher is simple. With us, just go to and enter your details. Click ‘Order Now’ and you will receive your unique PTE Voucher code via SMS and E-Mail. That’s it

How to redeem the voucher?

Just to visit and use voucher code in the payment page while booking your slot.

When to get and use the voucher?

Buy the voucher when you want to give the exam and want to equip yourself with mock tests and study materials.

Which are the deliverables with the vouchers?

When you buy your PTE discount voucher for 2017-2018 from PTENOTE, you get

+ 50 Online Mock Tests

+ 20 Expert Evaluation Vouchers

So, you not just get a chance to save your money but also prepare yourself to easily pass the examination. While we wish you all the best for your PTE, if you wish to save as much as Rs. 1600 on each booking, and get free study materials; we recommend you check out our offer.

All about PTE voucher 

If you wish to appear in PTE this year, or next year, we recommend you immediately buy PTE discount voucher codes, and confirm your test schedules.

To keep yourself updated with PTE news, PTE Discount and PTE vouchers, please keep visiting our blog; which we strive to update with regular news and fresh content you can use to simplify your process of passing PTE.

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