What is the highlight incorrect words task? In Highlight Incorrect Words task, you are presented with an audio recording as well its transcript. In the transcript, however, some words are replaced by different ones. You have to select words in the text, that differ from what the speaker is saying in the...
How to Become a Pro at Write from Dictation In Write from Dictation you have to listen to a short sentence, and write/type it verbatim into the box at the bottom of the screen. Sounds easy, right? Think again. On the surface, it may seem like this task is all about “parroting”. However, test takers...
PTE Listening: How to Get Perfect Scores on Select Missing Word Tasks The Select Missing Word tasks check your ability to link ideas follow different accents grasp the meaning behind a speaker’s words predict which word or phrase should come next. In the Select Missing Word question of the Listening section of PTE Academic, you...
PTE Listening: Solve Multiple Choice, Single Answer Questions in 3 Steps The listening module of PTE Academic comprises 2-3 questions of Multiple Choice, Single Answer. In this task, you have to listen to a recording (30-60 seconds long), and answer a multiple-choice question on the basis of the content or tone of the recording. The...
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