The Chief Minister of Goa, Manohar Parrikar passed away at the age of 63 on 17th March 2019. The BJP Leader was battling Pancreatic Cancer for a long time. We mourn the loss of such a humble and honest politician today, it’s a loss for all of us. Indians and the world will remember him because of his works and the example he set for others. We want to pay him a small tribute by looking through his journey.
The Goan born joined RSS at a very young age. He was an RSS Member throughout his school life and his volunteer work did not stop him from enrolling into IIT Bombay. After he graduated, he continued to work for the organization. He created history by becoming first IIT alumnus to be elected as an MLA. He kept a perfect balance of education and politics in his life. This just might be the reason he was so successful. In IIT, he was actively involved with campus ‘politics’. The hostel mess charged 180/month so he bought vegetables himself which cause the mess fees to reduce: 160 per month. The mess politics did not end there, the workers went on strike. To end the strike, Mr. Parrikar took his friends to the kitchen and cooked food for entire hostel!
A ticket from BJP in 1994 to Mr.Parrikar changed Indian Politics forever. It was the start of his political journey, he first became the opposition leader eventually getting into Goa Politics. 2000 was the year the state first saw Manohar Parrikar as their Chief Minister. He was re-elected in 2002 establishing his consistency. Consistency, another lesson to learn. But he also suffered defeat when further re-election took place, only to come back in 2012 with a big win and becoming the CM of Goa again.
He established big infrastructure projects in Goa with a record time. Put a full stop to illegal mining and took a burden off from the shoulders of common men by reducing fuel cost. Bringing IIFI in Goa was a big move for Goa’s Tourism Industry. These are just some of the many achievements that made him every Goan’s Favourite.
His resume also includes being the Defence Minister of India from 2014 to 2017. The surgical strike was a bold decision he took after the Uri Attack. As we look through his political career, we must remember that he did not stop working even in his last days. He looked severely ill and required medical aids but he considered his duty to the nation a priority. He attended the budget session and said:
“There is a josh that is too high, very high and I am in hosh. Fully in hosh,”
He passed away with the title of Chief Minister and to think of it, we must also share our condolence and grief to Goa’s Residents. They lost their beloved CM today and it’s a tough time for Goa. He was loved because of his simplicity. There is an infamous story about him and his scooty. His scooty was once hit by Audi and the person driving the Audi came out yelling “Don’t you know I am the son of the DSP?”. To which Parrikar said, ” Brother, I am the CM of Goa, Just Drive your Car slow”. We don’t have to add anything to this, what a humble person.
He was a strong man, not just politically but in his personal life too. Just months before he took up the CM’s post in 2000, he lost his wife to Cancer. Not just politicians, all of us have so much to learn from him. Even as CM, he lived in his own ancestral house and maintained his humble personality. He wasn’t shy of using Autorickshaw either. Be it his Scooty or Rickshaw, he was true to his roots and we saw what a boy from middle-class family can become by keeping his values.
PTENOTE stands with Millions of Indians who are in grief. Our heart goes out to his family and close ones. Mr. Manohar Parrikar will always be remembered as a humble person & great politician. Today, on 18th March he is receiving a State Funeral and like millions of Indians, we are thankful to have an opportunity to bid him goodbye. May his soul rest in peace.
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